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I'm addicted to supplement pills and antihistemenes.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Finally a birthday post.

Yeah it's pretty late. My actual birthday was over a week ago and the party was last Saturday. But I've finally bothered to throw something up. I didn't take any photos on my actual birthday. And I'm too lazy to hunt others down. I just went to dinner with my mother, grandmother, father, Ann, and my babes. Then we - excluding Father and Grandma - got drunk at Hellenic. Monday isn't a great day to have one's twenty-first on... On the plus side we probably all saved a lot of money. And the cocktails we made when we got home was fabulous. The Maccas was disappointing. I was so desperate for chips and gravy but the silly caravans were all closed despite one's sign saying they should have been open. We all ended up passing out in the lounge room watching a dvd.

Early on Saturday evening I looked as though I had very few female friends...

Very few photos were taken with my/mum's camera and I have no idea why some are coming out so terribly...

The following photos are compliments of the lovely Ruija :)


Apparently I make my own birthday cakes every year...

Under the photographer's instruction...


Good to see I'm not talking for once.

I remember very little after this drink... I don't even know what it was.

I'm definitely looking drunk. LOVE THESE LADIES THOUGH :)

Here are Adam's photos. For some reason we look excessively shiny in a lot of them. Yes it was hot, and we probably were sweaty... But I doubt we were THIS sweaty.

Adam's parents got me a bottle of Champagne :)


Shiny bitches.

Present win.

The boy knows me well.


Attempting to get down to Mother's height :)

It was a pretty great night. Until I got stupid drunk all of a sudden and tripped on a gutter across the road for Mooseheads. Oh dear. I had really hoped to do an all nighter and be home drinking at sunrise. Silly silly Georgeface.

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Some Babes.