About Me

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I'm addicted to supplement pills and antihistemenes.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I really really want these clogs. They look warm and perfect for my trip. Unfortunately I promised myself I wouldn't buy anything much before I leave. And even if I did buy them chances are they wouldn't get delivered in time. But a girl can always dream...

Also I really should do a post detailing my recent Sydney trip but I'm lazy and I sort of failed taking photos so I can't just show what occurred instead of typing it. Maybe later today. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

London Bound...

Today I went into the travel agent to get my travel insurance, international student card, YHA membership and to put in a job application. Apparently my eftpos card has a daily limit so I had to go into the Commonwealth Bank and withdrawal over $1000. I'm positive I've never had that much cash in my life. It was a scary twenty metre walk back to the travel agent. So now all I'm waiting on is a potential interview, my cards to get sent out and some information regarding a UK bank account. It's kind of exciting. I'm going through rapidly changing emotional phases at the moment. Sometimes I'm super excited and happy, sometimes I'm terrified and other times, probably most times, I just want to hurry up and leave. I'm so over my job and being here... Also there was a kangaroo at ANU, I was bummed I didn't have my camera and wasn't even going to try taking a distance photo with my phone. Anyway after my trip to campus I got a bus to Woden - southbound buses are far too infrequent. I had to spend nearly an hour waiting for my connecting bus so I got some socks for London and went quill hunting. Unfortunately I could only find a plastic one which seems silly to me. Plastic completely takes away from the cute tradition. Anyway that failed. Once I finally got home my letterbox had a black package stuffed in it. Inside the package were earmuffs I ordered before New Years. I decided I needed something to keep my ears warm when I'm in chilly England (even though it probably won't be all that cold compared to Canberra winters by the time I get there...). I had to get some photos. The quality is hopeless as I was lazy and just used the webcam. But I'm wearing the fabulous Alpha60 pleated scarf Adam got me for my birthday. I'm still contemplating whether to wear it before I leave or save it's public début for London.

I really need to get some fingerless gloves and flannelette pyjamas before I leave...

Monday, January 18, 2010


This photo is one of a series taken by Kirsten Morrison a few months back. Although it didn't make the final cut for the particular project it was taken for, I think it is gorgeous. Probably because Adam and I are both actually smiling for once hahahaha.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Finally a birthday post.

Yeah it's pretty late. My actual birthday was over a week ago and the party was last Saturday. But I've finally bothered to throw something up. I didn't take any photos on my actual birthday. And I'm too lazy to hunt others down. I just went to dinner with my mother, grandmother, father, Ann, and my babes. Then we - excluding Father and Grandma - got drunk at Hellenic. Monday isn't a great day to have one's twenty-first on... On the plus side we probably all saved a lot of money. And the cocktails we made when we got home was fabulous. The Maccas was disappointing. I was so desperate for chips and gravy but the silly caravans were all closed despite one's sign saying they should have been open. We all ended up passing out in the lounge room watching a dvd.

Early on Saturday evening I looked as though I had very few female friends...

Very few photos were taken with my/mum's camera and I have no idea why some are coming out so terribly...

The following photos are compliments of the lovely Ruija :)


Apparently I make my own birthday cakes every year...

Under the photographer's instruction...


Good to see I'm not talking for once.

I remember very little after this drink... I don't even know what it was.

I'm definitely looking drunk. LOVE THESE LADIES THOUGH :)

Here are Adam's photos. For some reason we look excessively shiny in a lot of them. Yes it was hot, and we probably were sweaty... But I doubt we were THIS sweaty.

Adam's parents got me a bottle of Champagne :)


Shiny bitches.

Present win.

The boy knows me well.


Attempting to get down to Mother's height :)

It was a pretty great night. Until I got stupid drunk all of a sudden and tripped on a gutter across the road for Mooseheads. Oh dear. I had really hoped to do an all nighter and be home drinking at sunrise. Silly silly Georgeface.

Some Babes.